UX/UI Design

Our team combines creativity with usability principles to develop interfaces that resonate with users and drive business objectives.

Whether it's a mobile app, web platform, or software application, we deliver designs that are intuitive, engaging, and aligned with your brand.

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When do you need UX/UI?
Build From Scratch

A fresh start and tailor-made solutions. Your vision, our expertise. Let’s create something spectacular!


Elevate your platform. Modern, sleek, and guaranteed to meet user's needs.

Boost Performance
Targeted goals that are falling short? We've got the strategy and tools to not just meet, but exceed.
Meet Users’ Needs

Seamless and intuitive, meeting user's needs and business obectives.

What can you expect?
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    Kick-off Workshop: a comprehensive workshop to align on goals, define user personas, and craft a compelling value proposition that guides the entire project.

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    Look & Feel: a distinctive visual style and feel for your product that resonates with your brand and appeals to your target audience.
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    Wireframes, Clickable Prototype & Design Iterations: detailed wireframes and interactive prototypes, followed by iterative design processes to refine and perfect the user experience.
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    Discovery Interviews, Usability Tests, and Report: in-depth user interviews and usability tests to gather feedback, followed by a detailed report outlining key insights.
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    Pixel Perfect UI Design: a polished and precise UI design, ensuring every pixel aligns with the overall aesthetic and functional goals of the project.
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    Design System: a cohesive design system for consistent and scalable designs, ensuring a unified user experience across all platforms and touchpoints.
Now let’s talk about how we can help you!
Book a free consultation call with our team or drop us a message with your needs.
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    Il y a 4 ans, nous avons fait appel à Aneda pour la refonte, l'optimisation de nos sites (lesfrontaliers.lu et diegrenzgaenger.lu), et la gestion des serveurs. Le service est complet et bien fait. L'équipe est disponible et très à l'écoute. Nous leur avons aussi confié la création de nos applications mobiles. Nous recommandons fortement cette société.
    Arlette Zeoli
    CEO Mediaweb Editions S.A. - Les Frontaliers
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    Every company’s website represents the organization’s front door. It’s vital to have a great website which convert users into engaged customers and brand ambassadors. Well designed, functional, easy to use, optimized for mobile, fresh and with quality content are only few of the ingredients that makes Aneda the perfect web designer for every company. The Luxembourg Financial Markets Association has chosen Aneda for its experience and creativity. To differentiate in today’s competitive landscape, you need a website as unique as Aneda can do.
    Vincenzo Giunta
    President LFMA - LFMA
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    ANEDA's redesign of the pplwise website was a game-changer. The blend of sleek design and insights from user testing delivered a fresh, user-friendly site that perfectly captures our brand. Impressive work!
    Thomas Kohler
    Co-Founder & CEO - pplewise
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    Edmond impressed us with his ability to pick up complex issues and rapidly translate them into product design.
    Sumika Sakanishi
    ‍Senior Product Manager - Lantum


    Everything you need to know about our services and billing.